viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020


Type of love according Helen Fisher

Today i want write about love. About few days,  i saw a video about theory of Dr. Helen Fisher who is a research professor of anthropology. The theory say that exist four types of love: Explorer, builder, director, and negotiator. 

Neurotransmitter that guide “Explorer Love” is dopamine, these type of love base on curiosity and new experiences. People that have these tipe of love are atractted for similar people, these tipe of partners should try to be patients becouse they can fight and argue.

Neurotransmitter that guide “Building Love” is seratonin, these type of love base on loyalty, family and serenity. People that have these tipe of love are atractted for similar peoble, these tipeo f partner can last for ever or last many years 

Neurotransmitter that guide “Director Love” is testosterone, these type of love base in rational, facts, the people that have these type or love are very independent anf ambitious, they does not are atracted for similar people, they like are atracted for negotiator.

Neurotransmitter that guide “Negotiator Love” is estrogen, these type of love based in empathy, compassionate. These type of person are very critical with themself. Negotitors are often attracted to their opposite, directors.

If you want now who are you in these clasification these test is very usuful:

I think others type of love, or people can be guide for:
Endorphine, pheromone, Adrenalin