martes, 23 de julio de 2013

The historian Gabriel Zalazar

The historian Gabriel Zalazar, in my opinion is very admirable. I don`t kwon if he is the greatest chilean of all time, but for my, he is a very inteligent person. I am totaly agree with all things that que he show in hisconferences.

Gabriel Zalazar is a historian, and also he is a professor or lecturer in University of Chile.  He was award winning with the national prize of history in the 2006.

I think he is a very important persons becouse his vision of the history is out of the conventional form of see the history. He don`t speak about the history of the recognised persons like olmost the intellectual historian, he speak and write about the history of the people or of the "ordinary people", he write about the history of the misfits.

The history of this life is very unbeliable. He come from a very poor family and he became an important intellectual, but he never forgot his roots.

I agree entirely with his approaches and atatements, if I see him I ask him about the violence, about his aponion about that.

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm very excited because he will be my teacher the next year :)
    I have read a lot of his books, I'm agree with you, he's admirable person

  2. I don't like very much the lessons of Salazar, but his book are amazing.
