jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

There isn`t something in particular that I want to learn becouse I would like to learn many things!

In this last time I learned many things, I learned: yoga, contemporany dance, paint in oleo, make massage. Was in the last year when I learned contemporany dance and paint in Oleo, in this year I learned to make massage, in May a was going to course about relaxation massage, also I was in one class about Tuina massage, (this is a massage from China that is very good for the health).

Well I want to pursue in this things (yoga, paint and contemporany dance), but is difficult becouse I want to learn others things to.

I want learn defense to feel more safer when I walk down Street in the night, (I know about a free course that is being done next to the irrarazabal subway on Fridays).

Other things that I want learn is sing, I think that the sing is a form of expression that permit express emotions. I feel very good when I am singing, I think is a very beautifuel feeling.

Other thing that I want to learn is Psicology, I am interesting in learn theory of personality, i think that is very funny and interesting things. The problema is that I don`t belive much in the psicology I think that the context is very important and influential in the hapinnes of the people. 

1 comentario:

  1. All are unfocused jaja I believe that the life is very short to waste it making a only thing!
