jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

I have many ambitions but anything in particular, because I like a lot of things. I recognize I am a unfocussed person.
One of my ambitions is teach paint in oil. I would like achieve this ambition because I think draw or paint is very good to the mental health. Paint is better than the  psychological therapies or talking with a psychologist.
Paint is a nice activity but take class is very spend, for that reason I would like make paint classes to other people or people that can´t pay a class. The impression that inspired my ambition is share and spread this expression form.  Fulfill my ambition means to me a something very important, that is, be a persons who achieve her objectives.
Other ambition that a have is continue dancing and practicing yoga, the reason for that a want to do that is because a feel very good doing that. Dancing and practice yoga make me very happy. The persons that inspired me to practice yoga all my life are the old yogis, they have eighty or ninety years old, and they are very good practicing yoga. Fulfill that ambition makes me very happy and proud of myself.

3 comentarios:

  1. Its interesting that you dont particular ambition, i think that if i would not have an especific ambition i could not live. I need a line to keep..

  2. Vicki!
    I like your blog, I neither have a ambition very very big, that lead my life. but I will like travel.

  3. Vicky,

    I would like so much learn to paint, but I'm a disaster drawing :(

    Luck with it!
