jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

The website that I visit every day is www.facebook.com. I like this website because it has a lots of functions. I use this website for lots of things. Yesterday I was talking white my group of a course (the name of the course is politics publics), we was planned everything for this way. Other things that a I make when I am in facebook is to a chat white my friends. Talk white the people for this way is very practical to me because ir free, talk by cellphone is expensive because is from Movistar, this company are a thiefs.
Other things that I make on facebook are missing events or many activities of a lot of things. I have website in facebook related white yoga, animals, black humour, dance, protest, politics or socials activities.
I visit facebook every day, I discovered this page when a teacher in a class telled me about the existence of the wedsite. He was vere surprise that a I don´t know the existence of this page.

4 comentarios:

  1. Facebook eats lifeeee! JAJAJA


  2. Hi:

    In the present the facebook is almost indispensable. I use every day, and also use facebook for talking whit my group of a course of políticas públicas.
    See you later.

  3. Hi Victoria,
    I see no comments from you in this task. Please remember the comments are part of the task. Cheers!

  4. I always use Facebook to. It's very practical for these days. But you have to be careful, Facebook could consumes real life
