jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

All kids have tremendous talents

Today I write about a video in witch are a presentation lead by Ken Robinson (a Englishman who ir a educationalist).
 He explains some problems that have the traditional education. I fine lots interesting points in his lecture:
First when he mentions the extraordinary evidence of the creativity human in the all people. He says that exist a tremendous talents in all people. But in this system we pay no attention about that.
Other point that I think is very interesting is about his conception of “mistakes”. He says if you are not preparated to be wrong you will never come up with anything original. In the educational system the form that we are evaluation punish the mistakes that frustrate any attempt to be original and have assurance.
Other thing that I coincide is the idea that the children are born artist.
Ken Robinson says the children have really extraordinary capacities, capacities for innovation. And he add “All kids have tremendous talents”. I think that to. When I was a little girl I had a extraordinary imagination, I was very original and creative persons, but in the school I could not express that talents. When I grow up a lose the capacity of create imagination word. 

4 comentarios:

  1. And the saddest part is kids don't sense their murder essence. Kids will be mothers and fathers with slept intelligence

  2. I think that this situation occur more frequently that we could imagine, because in the school the artist or creative capacities are not considered and with the time that abilities were lost and the saddest part is that this situation still happening every day

    good bye

  3. it´s very itneresting the form that school to teach to not mistake, and how the error, it´s present how something bad, and significate that you are loser and not how that error permit learn.

  4. In my opinion for school a mistake is something that must be removed. Not allowed to make mistakes. One mistake makes the difference in entering higher education or be left out.
