martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Gender Studies

The topic that I choose is a new topic in the sociology, the name of this is “Gender studies”.
I had a course of “Gender studies” and liked very much, that is the reason why I choose this topic and because the topic is very interesting and fun to explain.   
I will organize my presentation in this order:
·         First: I will introduce myself.
·         In second places: I explain the meaning of the domination in this theory.
·         In third places: I will talk about in what things operate the gender domination in our life (sexual orientation, binary conception of gender…)
·         In fourth places: I will explain the features witch gender domination imposes, I mean I will explain what means be a woman and be men in this society.
·         And finally I will finish the presentation speaking why I think this topic is relevant.
I think this topic has a lot of interesting parts, but I think is especially interesting understand how operate the sexism in the society and in our life.
I think this topic could be interesting for the audience because is a polemic topic and is in our quotidian life.

4 comentarios:

  1. During the few time that i have studying here, in FACSO, one of the topics that caught my atention me its the Gender Studie :)

  2. the topic is really polemic for example i hate
    the job discrimination with woman, when asking her about if she want have children or something like that

  3. hi:
    I think that topic gender studies it is very interesting but never I have research.

  4. I'm waiting for your presentation!
    Chile needs sociologists that take Gender Problem and make something real
    Patriarchy control us! We have to remove it with fire
