sábado, 1 de junio de 2013

Strike in FACSO

In FACSO are the same problems than the almost faculties of University of Chile.
The university has a lot of problem:

 First, the problem with the administration and bureaucracy in FACSO, this problem we can find in almost faculties of “The University of Chile”. One of the reasons of this problem is that the university have a decentralized administration, this is good thing but require coordination between faculties. The fact is there isn´t coordination between faculties in the University of Chile.

Second, the absence of resource, one example of this you can find in something very simple like the lack of the toilet tissue or things biggest like shortage of space for study or eat or make class. This problem have relation whit the system of finance that have the university, this system consist in make compete to the faculties for recourses and money. Those forms of finance is promote since Chilean economic system.

And third: the problem whit the “public sense” of university. Supposedly “The University of Chile” should have a public sense. The shortage of “public sense” in the university has many characteristics or points like:

·         Who enter the university (in the university only students can use the services).·         How many cost of study in the university (is very expensive study a carrier).
·    The way of is impart the education (hierarchy or horizontally, for be a machine o for be a person who thinking).
·         What type of professional which is create in the university (people that want gain money or people that want be a contribution for the society).

Although of all I don´t participate in the strike, because I am disillusioned. I think, for the experience, the benefits of the strike are very little and the drawbacks of the strikes are stress in the students, many annoyance and lost time for any concrete results.

Is important think in other means can contribute to obtain what the students are after, other mean could be work every day not only in strike and work in diffusion for create a politic and social conscience in the people. 

4 comentarios:

  1. To reconcile the strike with the idea of the best education is hard, really hard, but I don't know if stay us without to do anything it will be better.

  2. I personally think there is a contradiction. You guys are the best example (your generation) of how the strike will be detrimental to your academic performance. Sorry but lets call a spade a spade

  3. I have found feelings with the strike in the internal conflict, because I feel that in some way the strike weakens the relationship between states in the faculty.... but i think that is a necessary measure of presure in the national stageI have found feelings with the strike in the internal conflict, because I feel that in some way the strike weakens the relationship between statements in the faculty.... but i think that is a necessary measure of presure in the national stage....

  4. The social sense is one of my principal conflicts. When I decided to study on our university, like all of you I think, I did it considering that the image of Universidad de Chile as the university with the best social project: serious mistake. No project, no social view.
