jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

I decided study this career because I liked history and science politicals and because I wanted learn how operate this system. I wanted understand the decision that take the politician. I thinked that the sociology was useful career but Today I think this career is very useless in this times for the society. In these days I think I study this career because I learn thinks very interesting and because I want finish quickly my studies.
Professionals in my area contribute to the government; the studies that make the sociologist contribute to the politics decisions. Supposedly the sociologist contribute to get better social conditions, but I don´t think so.
Sociology needs lots of tools, some peoples think is more important tools provide from theory others persons think that is more important tools provide from statistics.   
I don`t have a favorites subject but I am interesting in subject that are connected or associated. I like economy, the teacher of this subject is Hugo Fazio and he is an excellent teacher. Others subjects that I like are economic sociology and sociology of the work. Other subject that I like ( isn´t associated with this subject but a I like very much because is in ours quotidian life)  is gender studies. 

3 comentarios:

  1. I feel contradictory feelings when I think in Sociology. Really, it has been caused me many frustrations but joys also. And I believe that it is a generalized state.

  2. I think that there isn´t why wait that the sociology fill all our questions... it´s just another tool for the social analisys!

  3. It's interesting perceiving the majority sociology students decided for our career with the same reasons.
    I like to know somebody that be here by mistake or having another ideas
