viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013


I am up in arms because in Chile exist a big inequality between poor or the worker class and the riches or who are proprietors of a big companies. But that make more up in arms or get indignant is that this country the people ignore that situations, specially the politics class or elite of Chile.
The inequality in Chile is alike of “middle age” or “the times of the servitude”. Chile is one of the countries that have more inequality in the Word. This country be had a fast economic growth in the last twenty years, but their improvement or progress is very poor in the basic theme related or associated white fundamental needs. The exactly things that make me angry is that the Publics basic services like: educations, transports, social previsions, health, etc, are very bad. The people don´t have the possibility to access a good basic service, with the exception of a few people who have money and economics resources.
This make me angry becouse:
1.       Millions of Chilean lives in bad conditions unnecessarily.
2.       The persons who take the economics decisions (the politics class and biggest business) lives very good at the expense of worker class.
Change this situation is very difficult but the first step, I think, is don´t vote for the concertacion and Alianza, because they have not changed anything. I think is better vote for Marcel Claude or “equality party”… and is very important change the tributary system and change the minimum salary. Buy the most important think is take conscience and make that the other people take conscience.

2 comentarios:

  1. I think your publication it's very interesting. The inequality is the biggest problem in our country, this makes me very sad because everyone know it, but who really have so power of desition don't do anything just for their own convenience.

  2. hi vicki:
    It´s very interesting your publication. I will visit the web, that you recommend.
