martes, 18 de junio de 2013

The language

Today I will write about my reflect of language and  the speech of Pagel in which he speak about the lenguage. Pagel is scientists who reflect about the origin of the language, about the function of the languages and he has a hypothesis about the future of the language.

Pagel suggest that language is responsible of the evolved of humanity because the language allow transmit the knowledge, other think that he thinks is that the language is ability characteristic on human. I am agreeing whit the first suggest, but whit the second suggest I am not agree because is very difficult to check and prove that the languages exist only in the humans.

The speech of Pagel makes me reflect about how is possible that something likes language that is so rational and which operate thrown logical rules can express subjective emotions. I think that is possible because the emotions like the language are social things. I mean I think emotions and language are more developed when community bond exist. 

Pagel foresees as the future (in this global society in which we live) will be unnecesary have one language that permit get on, that permit connect whit different persons of different countries. About that, I think that is a fact, but the problem whith that, and whith the globalization in general is the loss of the original culture, and the absorption of little nation for biggest and powerful nations.

I feel that the Spanish is a language that is expressive of Latin culture, is a language that permit the expression of emotions, that is reflect in the Latin-American music and literature.  I like the culture of Latin-American I am proud of our culture but I am not proud of the Chilean culture because Chile search be like USA and European countries. 

1 comentario:

  1. I am also proud to be from Latin America. I find it embarassing that Chileans want to be something we are not:(
