jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

The best holiday

Thinking and thinking in my best holiday, I don’t get fine a good travel in which I had felt very good. In travels that I make in the past I met different places like Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Arica, Chiloe, Patagonia, but for many reason or any reason a didn’t feel very well making this travels.

I discover that my best holiday ever was being in Santiago. Was being when I fined a good place to be. The history begins when I put Anarchy in Google, I find a web page and sent a message in which asking any information. They answer my inviting me to Know the organization.

I went to the place and I met very good persons. Was the first time that I don´t feel different to others. I think that was because we were a community, we share principles.

I went to the place alone and I stated there for 2 years, I did few things, that is one of the reason for what I leaf the place. We makes forums, we went march, we make parties, and above all we shared eating or talking or making assembly.

I enjoyed it so much because I was feeling belonging, was respect between us. I liked very mucho be with people who shared political horizon and because we had a common protect. 

                                           A  trailer of a movie that remember me those times. 

2 comentarios:

  1. hey Victoria,
    This is a very interesting point to make. Not feeling right about holidays, I mean. I'd like to talk about it in more depth one day.
    The second part seems very interesting, too.
