viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Hello everybodyToday I write about a theme that makes me busy for these days, Is simple theme but I really like it. The theme is: “care little animals and finds a home for them”.
When I became interest in this? Well … I always be interest in the animals… when I was a little girl I reading and looking books about animals. I never liked the babies, I never want had a doll, I liked the animals. The problem with that was my mother and father hated the animals, they compensate me white stuffed toys, I loved my stuffed toys, I had many stuffed toys.
Pass the years and in this time I was with a person’s who is a cat lover, for that reason I have the possibility that care many cats.Why I find it interesting? Because the little cats or the kitty’s are so cute, are very affectionate and frisky or playful. They need me a lot, they adore that makes them love and care.
The special about it is that I make a good action, because I care them and find them a home to live.
In these days I care two little cats. If you kwon a person that can give them a good life, please make me kwon. 

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

I have many ambitions but anything in particular, because I like a lot of things. I recognize I am a unfocussed person.
One of my ambitions is teach paint in oil. I would like achieve this ambition because I think draw or paint is very good to the mental health. Paint is better than the  psychological therapies or talking with a psychologist.
Paint is a nice activity but take class is very spend, for that reason I would like make paint classes to other people or people that can´t pay a class. The impression that inspired my ambition is share and spread this expression form.  Fulfill my ambition means to me a something very important, that is, be a persons who achieve her objectives.
Other ambition that a have is continue dancing and practicing yoga, the reason for that a want to do that is because a feel very good doing that. Dancing and practice yoga make me very happy. The persons that inspired me to practice yoga all my life are the old yogis, they have eighty or ninety years old, and they are very good practicing yoga. Fulfill that ambition makes me very happy and proud of myself.

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

The website that I visit every day is I like this website because it has a lots of functions. I use this website for lots of things. Yesterday I was talking white my group of a course (the name of the course is politics publics), we was planned everything for this way. Other things that a I make when I am in facebook is to a chat white my friends. Talk white the people for this way is very practical to me because ir free, talk by cellphone is expensive because is from Movistar, this company are a thiefs.
Other things that I make on facebook are missing events or many activities of a lot of things. I have website in facebook related white yoga, animals, black humour, dance, protest, politics or socials activities.
I visit facebook every day, I discovered this page when a teacher in a class telled me about the existence of the wedsite. He was vere surprise that a I don´t know the existence of this page.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

My name is Victoria Rivera Volosky, i am a sociologist students, a am in the fourth years of the career. I am doing six subjects or course. I am doing theory III, theory V, sociology of work, investigation workshop, English and don´t remember... I always forget one subject... I remember! Is politics publics. 
Well, I am satisfied with the course that i take this year, there are were interesting.
What else... recently... that is today I sig up on a course of massages.

I live with my family, with my mother and dad, I has two brothers and one sister, they don´t live with us because finish her careers and they works. My old brother live with her girl friends, son  will married, the ceremony has in May, the name of my old brother is Raúl, the name of my other brother is Ignacio, the name of my sister is Carolina, she is a dentist, she love yoga, she made class of yoga. I love yoga too.