jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

All kids have tremendous talents

Today I write about a video in witch are a presentation lead by Ken Robinson (a Englishman who ir a educationalist).
 He explains some problems that have the traditional education. I fine lots interesting points in his lecture:
First when he mentions the extraordinary evidence of the creativity human in the all people. He says that exist a tremendous talents in all people. But in this system we pay no attention about that.
Other point that I think is very interesting is about his conception of “mistakes”. He says if you are not preparated to be wrong you will never come up with anything original. In the educational system the form that we are evaluation punish the mistakes that frustrate any attempt to be original and have assurance.
Other thing that I coincide is the idea that the children are born artist.
Ken Robinson says the children have really extraordinary capacities, capacities for innovation. And he add “All kids have tremendous talents”. I think that to. When I was a little girl I had a extraordinary imagination, I was very original and creative persons, but in the school I could not express that talents. When I grow up a lose the capacity of create imagination word. 

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Gender Studies

The topic that I choose is a new topic in the sociology, the name of this is “Gender studies”.
I had a course of “Gender studies” and liked very much, that is the reason why I choose this topic and because the topic is very interesting and fun to explain.   
I will organize my presentation in this order:
·         First: I will introduce myself.
·         In second places: I explain the meaning of the domination in this theory.
·         In third places: I will talk about in what things operate the gender domination in our life (sexual orientation, binary conception of gender…)
·         In fourth places: I will explain the features witch gender domination imposes, I mean I will explain what means be a woman and be men in this society.
·         And finally I will finish the presentation speaking why I think this topic is relevant.
I think this topic has a lot of interesting parts, but I think is especially interesting understand how operate the sexism in the society and in our life.
I think this topic could be interesting for the audience because is a polemic topic and is in our quotidian life.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

I decided study this career because I liked history and science politicals and because I wanted learn how operate this system. I wanted understand the decision that take the politician. I thinked that the sociology was useful career but Today I think this career is very useless in this times for the society. In these days I think I study this career because I learn thinks very interesting and because I want finish quickly my studies.
Professionals in my area contribute to the government; the studies that make the sociologist contribute to the politics decisions. Supposedly the sociologist contribute to get better social conditions, but I don´t think so.
Sociology needs lots of tools, some peoples think is more important tools provide from theory others persons think that is more important tools provide from statistics.   
I don`t have a favorites subject but I am interesting in subject that are connected or associated. I like economy, the teacher of this subject is Hugo Fazio and he is an excellent teacher. Others subjects that I like are economic sociology and sociology of the work. Other subject that I like ( isn´t associated with this subject but a I like very much because is in ours quotidian life)  is gender studies. 

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013


I am up in arms because in Chile exist a big inequality between poor or the worker class and the riches or who are proprietors of a big companies. But that make more up in arms or get indignant is that this country the people ignore that situations, specially the politics class or elite of Chile.
The inequality in Chile is alike of “middle age” or “the times of the servitude”. Chile is one of the countries that have more inequality in the Word. This country be had a fast economic growth in the last twenty years, but their improvement or progress is very poor in the basic theme related or associated white fundamental needs. The exactly things that make me angry is that the Publics basic services like: educations, transports, social previsions, health, etc, are very bad. The people don´t have the possibility to access a good basic service, with the exception of a few people who have money and economics resources.
This make me angry becouse:
1.       Millions of Chilean lives in bad conditions unnecessarily.
2.       The persons who take the economics decisions (the politics class and biggest business) lives very good at the expense of worker class.
Change this situation is very difficult but the first step, I think, is don´t vote for the concertacion and Alianza, because they have not changed anything. I think is better vote for Marcel Claude or “equality party”… and is very important change the tributary system and change the minimum salary. Buy the most important think is take conscience and make that the other people take conscience.