viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020


Type of love according Helen Fisher

Today i want write about love. About few days,  i saw a video about theory of Dr. Helen Fisher who is a research professor of anthropology. The theory say that exist four types of love: Explorer, builder, director, and negotiator. 

Neurotransmitter that guide “Explorer Love” is dopamine, these type of love base on curiosity and new experiences. People that have these tipe of love are atractted for similar people, these tipe of partners should try to be patients becouse they can fight and argue.

Neurotransmitter that guide “Building Love” is seratonin, these type of love base on loyalty, family and serenity. People that have these tipe of love are atractted for similar peoble, these tipeo f partner can last for ever or last many years 

Neurotransmitter that guide “Director Love” is testosterone, these type of love base in rational, facts, the people that have these type or love are very independent anf ambitious, they does not are atracted for similar people, they like are atracted for negotiator.

Neurotransmitter that guide “Negotiator Love” is estrogen, these type of love based in empathy, compassionate. These type of person are very critical with themself. Negotitors are often attracted to their opposite, directors.

If you want now who are you in these clasification these test is very usuful:

I think others type of love, or people can be guide for:
Endorphine, pheromone, Adrenalin

martes, 23 de julio de 2013

The historian Gabriel Zalazar

The historian Gabriel Zalazar, in my opinion is very admirable. I don`t kwon if he is the greatest chilean of all time, but for my, he is a very inteligent person. I am totaly agree with all things that que he show in hisconferences.

Gabriel Zalazar is a historian, and also he is a professor or lecturer in University of Chile.  He was award winning with the national prize of history in the 2006.

I think he is a very important persons becouse his vision of the history is out of the conventional form of see the history. He don`t speak about the history of the recognised persons like olmost the intellectual historian, he speak and write about the history of the people or of the "ordinary people", he write about the history of the misfits.

The history of this life is very unbeliable. He come from a very poor family and he became an important intellectual, but he never forgot his roots.

I agree entirely with his approaches and atatements, if I see him I ask him about the violence, about his aponion about that.

jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

There isn`t something in particular that I want to learn becouse I would like to learn many things!

In this last time I learned many things, I learned: yoga, contemporany dance, paint in oleo, make massage. Was in the last year when I learned contemporany dance and paint in Oleo, in this year I learned to make massage, in May a was going to course about relaxation massage, also I was in one class about Tuina massage, (this is a massage from China that is very good for the health).

Well I want to pursue in this things (yoga, paint and contemporany dance), but is difficult becouse I want to learn others things to.

I want learn defense to feel more safer when I walk down Street in the night, (I know about a free course that is being done next to the irrarazabal subway on Fridays).

Other things that I want learn is sing, I think that the sing is a form of expression that permit express emotions. I feel very good when I am singing, I think is a very beautifuel feeling.

Other thing that I want to learn is Psicology, I am interesting in learn theory of personality, i think that is very funny and interesting things. The problema is that I don`t belive much in the psicology I think that the context is very important and influential in the hapinnes of the people. 

lunes, 1 de julio de 2013

My favorite restaurant

I love go out to eat to different places. I love eat food and eat news things in new places is much better (for example eat plates from other countries).

Despite this, I think that is difficult to me fines a favorite restaurant. This is because, in general, the goods restaurants in which I have eaten were expensive (in my opinion) and for the other side, the cheap or inexpensive restaurants in where I eaten were not very beautiful and the food was rotten or only was fast food for eaten.

Thinking in the places that I like to eat, I resolve that the best place to eat (in my opinion) is a Krishna restaurant, its name is “Restorant krishna” (very easy), is a Krishna temple in where the Krishna people makes menus.

“Restorant Krishna” be in the center of Santiago, the name of the strep in where is located is Jose Miguel Carrera, and the number of the place is 330.

The people that practice this religion and believe in Krishna don´t eat animals. Because of that the plates that they make are vegetarian. They don´t make food whit meat, they make food with a lot of vegetables.

I think I like eat in this place because is cheap, nice and they make healthy food. 

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

The best holiday

Thinking and thinking in my best holiday, I don’t get fine a good travel in which I had felt very good. In travels that I make in the past I met different places like Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Arica, Chiloe, Patagonia, but for many reason or any reason a didn’t feel very well making this travels.

I discover that my best holiday ever was being in Santiago. Was being when I fined a good place to be. The history begins when I put Anarchy in Google, I find a web page and sent a message in which asking any information. They answer my inviting me to Know the organization.

I went to the place and I met very good persons. Was the first time that I don´t feel different to others. I think that was because we were a community, we share principles.

I went to the place alone and I stated there for 2 years, I did few things, that is one of the reason for what I leaf the place. We makes forums, we went march, we make parties, and above all we shared eating or talking or making assembly.

I enjoyed it so much because I was feeling belonging, was respect between us. I liked very mucho be with people who shared political horizon and because we had a common protect. 

                                           A  trailer of a movie that remember me those times. 

Punk and Folklore

The name of one of my favorite band is “The devotchkas”, this is a band formed by women. The band born in Long Island, New York, in 1996. The band was be up to 2001. The name of her members are:JonGabrielleJessica

The type of music that they played was Punk core records, my favorite son is “live fast die young”, this is my favorite sing because the power and energy that transmits.

Other music that I like is the folklore. I love Victor Jara (he help to my father in the military dictatorship.Victor Jara was a Chilean singer. He maked his songs, he blended different type of Latin-American music.He was a important persons not only for the music. He was a singer who fought for human rights.

One example of this is that he was singing in “voluntary works”( this was a work execute for students in the Popular Unit (UP) government). He died in the military dictatorship when he was detained for have left ideas.I like Victor Jara because he created very good songs, her songs are very original and have many sense, I think he was a genius.

I have lots of favorite songs that Victor Jara maked. I like very much is  “Deja la vida volar” is a very romantic song, but this is imperceptible. Other song that I like very much is “El derecho de vivir en paz” I don´t know why I like this song, I think because the song is very moving and be about  problem in the society and the hope that can have the people.
    El derecho de vivir en paz

Deja la vida volar

martes, 18 de junio de 2013

The language

Today I will write about my reflect of language and  the speech of Pagel in which he speak about the lenguage. Pagel is scientists who reflect about the origin of the language, about the function of the languages and he has a hypothesis about the future of the language.

Pagel suggest that language is responsible of the evolved of humanity because the language allow transmit the knowledge, other think that he thinks is that the language is ability characteristic on human. I am agreeing whit the first suggest, but whit the second suggest I am not agree because is very difficult to check and prove that the languages exist only in the humans.

The speech of Pagel makes me reflect about how is possible that something likes language that is so rational and which operate thrown logical rules can express subjective emotions. I think that is possible because the emotions like the language are social things. I mean I think emotions and language are more developed when community bond exist. 

Pagel foresees as the future (in this global society in which we live) will be unnecesary have one language that permit get on, that permit connect whit different persons of different countries. About that, I think that is a fact, but the problem whith that, and whith the globalization in general is the loss of the original culture, and the absorption of little nation for biggest and powerful nations.

I feel that the Spanish is a language that is expressive of Latin culture, is a language that permit the expression of emotions, that is reflect in the Latin-American music and literature.  I like the culture of Latin-American I am proud of our culture but I am not proud of the Chilean culture because Chile search be like USA and European countries.